“The important thing is this:

to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are

for what we could become.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


This is where the magic happens.

To show up on your own and practice. Be curious about what your body can do. Respect your limits but know that they are todays limits. Maybe with some effort those limits won’t be there tomorrow.

These videos are designed to help you on your own journey to understand your body and your practice a little more each day.



Yoga for Surfers - 10min

5 postures

  • Down dog (adho mukha svanasana)

  • Plank (kumbhakasana)

  • Forward fold with pec stretch (uttanasana)

  • Lunge with lat stretch

(utthita ashva sanchalanasana)

  • Wide leg forward fold with twist

(parivrtta prasarita padottanasana)

Yoga for tight shoulders - 10min

4 Exercises

  • Down face warrior (adho mukha virasana)

  • Down dog (adho mukha svanasana)

  • Kneeling twist (parivrtta ashva sanchalanasana)

  • Seated twist (ardha matsyendrasana variation)

Yoga for low back pain - 10min

4 exercises

- pelvic tilts

- bridge (setu bandha sarvangasana)

- piriformis stretch (supta eka pada rajakapotasana)

- low back twist (supta matsyendrasana)

Yoga Anatomy - How to lengthen your hamstring muscle fibres


Do you feel hamstring tension limiting your movements?

- Eccentric strengthening can help

1. Contract the muscle

2. Lengthen muscle

3. Repeat

Yoga Anatomy - Gluteal strengthening


2x Gluteus medius Hip Hitches

2x Single leg squats with triangle floor touches

A great way to fire up you gluteal muscles before any standing activity. Perfect for people who suffer from knee, hip or low back discomfort.

Yoga Anatomy - Shoulder and pelvic awareness


Use your yoga blocks to give feedback on your alignment in 4 point kneeling postures.

- Finding a neutral pelvis

- Maintaining a protracted scapula

- Building strength in this position

Yoga Anatomy - Tips for anterior hip pain


If you suffer from anterior hip pain in Upavistha Konasana (wide angle seated forward fold) try these cues:

- Bring feet closer together

- Externally rotate hips

*These cues will change the angle of the femur hopefully creating more space for the pelvis to anteriorly tilt reducing joint compression and pain

Yoga for beginners


This is a great introduction to yoga and a perfect way to finish the day if you have tension in your hips or low back from long periods of sitting

Yoga for back pain


- Arm raise (Latissimus Dorsi stretch)

- Forward fold (Hamstring and Erector Spinae stretch)

- Lunge (Psoas stretch)

- Half splits (Hamstring stretch)

- Knee to chest twist (Gluteus Medius stretch)

* 3 rounds of 3 breaths per posture

Yoga Asana - Headstand Preparation


- Nadi Sodhana pranayama

- Shoulder strength sequence

- Standing balance sequence

- A good all round practice

Yoga Asana - Handstand Practice


- Surya Namaskar A

- Standing balance sequence

- Handstand practice

- Backbends

- Viloma Pranayama

Yoga Asana - For Runners


- Nadi Sodhana Pranayama

- Surya Namaskar A

- Gluteal strengthening

- Hip flexor, hamstring and chest stretching